Jumaat, 16 November 2012

Assalamualaikum..moga2 kalian berada dlm rhmat,taufiq,inayah Allah SWT...
Sekadar secoret dua..moga2 memberi manfaat dan mnjd pengajaran dan teladan bg antum semua..sedikit ulasan yg ana ingin brkongsi dlm pengisian kali ini...Pengisian kali ini berkisarkan tntang amalan & kelebihan berzikir...hihihi..antaranya :
 1)Tiada batasan dlm brzikir..sepertimana yg kita tahu amalan berzikir tidak terbatas..tidak mngenal tmpat,tidak mengira waktu,tidak mengira keadaan kita macam mana sekalipun duduk ke,baring ke,berdiri ke...Subhanallah..Kita bebas dlm amalam brzikir ni..tidak seperti amalan lain seperti menunaikan haji..kita perlu pegi ke Mecca,tunaikan dlm waktu tertentu,ada pula syarat2 tertentu..

2)Zikir merupakan penyelamat daripada azab Allah SWT.

 Daripada Muaz bin Jabal RA bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:   "Tiada sesuatu yang dapat menyelamatkan seseorang daripada azab Allah SWT selain zikir kepada-Nya".(Riwayat At-Tirmidzi)..Selain itu dengan berzikir juga mampu untuk mententeramkan hati&jiwa kita..Kesimpulannya zikir merupakan sebaik-baik ibadat, ketaatan dan mendekatkan diri kita kepada al-Kholiq...Moga2 ada yg bermanfaat bg diri ana dan antum..waalahu'alam...

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434H

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434H

Alhamdulillah kerana kita masih diberi peluang untuk bernafas dan menikmati nikmat-nikmat dari Maha Pencipta Sekalian Alam. Apakah azam kita pada tahun baru ini??. Apapun marilah kita sama-sama ingat-mengingati dalam perkara kebaikan...
Daripada Al-Hassan Al-Basri rahimahumullah sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t telah membuka lembaran tahun baru di dalam takwim Islam dengan bulan Muharam. Tidaklah kedapatan bulan yang lebih mulia dalam takwim Islam di sisi Allah s.w.t itu selepas bulan Ramadhan melainkan bulan Muharam. Ianya dinamakan bulan Allah yang khas disebabkan besarnya kehormatannya.
Peristiwa-peristiwa penting:
1 Muharam- Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab mula membuat penetapan kiraan bulan hijrah.
10 Muharam- Dinamakan juga hari ‘Asyura’. Pada hari itu banyak tejadinya peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang tabah bagi menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran.

Sahabat yang dimuliakan, 
Jangan lupa untuk membaca kedua-dua doa akhir tahun (1433H) dan doa awal tahun (1434H) supaya kita dilindungi daripada tipu daya syaitan dan mendapat keampunan Allah SWT,Insya-Allah. 
Doa Akhir tahun, pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada hari terakhir bulan Zulhijah...Doa awal tahun, pada selepas waktu Maghrib pada malam 1 Muharam

Khamis, 8 November 2012

Assalamualaikum rakan2 sekalian. Mohon kalian berada dlm rahmat dan inayah Ilahi.
Sebenarnye, tak ada ape nak diceritakan sangat. Tapi naluri utk menulis tu seakan-akan memanggil. Sekadar secoret dua, mudah-mudahan ade yang terkesan dan bermanfaat kepada antum semua.

Sangat menarik dn best, menyentuh hati,
. Persoalannya, adakah cukup amal bakti sy untuk mama dan abah. Terdetik dalam sanubari, adakah sy mendahulukan mama dan abah dalam segalanya. Layakkah sy jadi seperti Uwais Al-Qarni.?

Kisahnya Uwais Al-Qarni ni macam ni. Uwais hidup sezaman dengan Rasulullah yang amat kite kasihi. Uwais ni boleh je kalo nak bertemu dengan Rasulullah hari-hari. Bila Uwais dengar khabar tentang kemuliaan Rasulullah, Uwais mula cintakan Rasulullah. Uwais rindu sangat nak bertemu dengan Rasulullah. Senang citer, cintanya Uwais kepada Rasulullah sangat-sangat mendalam.

Tapi malangnya, Rasulullah ketika tu berada di Madinah. Uwais pulak dok kat Yaman. Perjalanan yang Uwais kene tempuh kalau nak jumpe dengan Rasulullah mungkin selama sebulan atau dua bulan. Tapi, itu bukan jadi masalah kepada Uwais. Yang jadi penghalang untuk Uwais bersua muka dengan Rasulullah adalah ibu Uwais. Uwais tak sanggup nak tinggalkan ibunya yang tua di Yaman, sdgkan dia bermusafir lama untuk ke Madinah berjumpa Rasulullah.

Uwais pendamkan cinta dan rindunya kepada Rasulullah smpai akhirnye Rasulullah wafat. Namun, kuasa Allah sangat hebat. Allah sampaikan cinta Uwais kepada Rasulullah, Rasulullah sebut nama Uwais kepada para sahabat Baginda. Rasulullah tahu yang Uwais ni nak sangat jumpe Baginda, namun baktinya kepada ibu yang tua lebih diutamakan. Akhirnya, Rasulullah wafat sebelum sempat Uwais menemuinya.

Pengajarannya kat sini, Uwais dah tunjukkan yang ibunya lebih utama dr cintanya kpd Rasulullah. Rasulullah pernah cakap masa peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, masa Nabi dah ade kat atas dalam syurga. Nabi ade dengar suara dari bumi. Nabi tanya kat Jibril, suara apa yang Nabi dengar dr dalam syurga tu. Jibril jawab, itulah suara orang yang berbakti kepada ibu bapanya. Suara mereka yang bertuah ni dah kedengaran dalam syurga walaupon pemilik suara ini masih berada di dunia. Subhanallah.

Jadi, ingatlah. Ibu dn ayah ni sangat-sangat penting. Lebih-lebih lagi ibu.
Tanpa mereka, kite takkan ade kat dunia ni. Ibu tu sgalanya.
Cube kite renungkan, brapa banyak kali ibu kite menangis kerana hatinya terluka.
Berapa byk kali pulak ibu kite nangis sebab hatinya bahagia.

Nauzubillah, janganlah kite tergolong dalam anak-anak yang derhaka.

As Salam.

Ahad, 28 Oktober 2012

- Perbanyakkan Zikir
Dari Ibnu Umar bahwa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, "Tidak ada suatu hari yang lebih agung di sisi Allah dan tidak pula ada amalan-amalan yang lebih dicintai ALLAH selain amal yang dikerjakan pada sepuluh hari terawal bulan Zulhijjah, maka perbanyakanlah padanya tahlil (La ilaha illallah), takbir (Allahu Akbar) dan tahmid (Alhamdulillah)". (HR Imam Ahmad)

Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Walillah hilham.

Salam 'idil Adha dari Nasrul Azim sekeluarga.

Isnin, 30 April 2012


             Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resourcesThe Internet is an amazing invention that contributes a lot to our lives. The Internet is a tool which people from all places in the world can get together for fun, for business or for research. However, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages.

            There are definite advantages of the Internet. First of all, the most common used for the Internet is for research. Children, students and many other people use Internet as a research tool. Today, it is required for the student to use Internet for the research. Many high school and college teachers give research or specific assignment which is based on the Internet. Many teachers use the Internet to teach their students. Now, Internet is become a biggest source of the research and we will gain such knowledge and information from it.   Moreover, Internet is also helpful to get information about medical issue. worlds, sports, business, politics, latest news and so on.
            We can use several services available on the internet, such as, online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for the movies and games, and hotel reservation. In addition to these, search engines can help you to find data on any subject that you need. Finally, people can use the internet for entertainment, downloading games, music, movies, visiting chat rooms, or just surfing the Web. With the Internet, we will not feel bored anymore as there are a lot of services that can be downloaded for free from the web.  
            Beside a lot of advantages, Internet has some disadvantage too. First of disadvantage is the people who spend too much sitting in the front of computer can easily get ill.  People who spend too much time in front of computer will getting weaker.  Sitting for a long time is also harmful to the spine. Besides, we tend to spend much time in front of computer without realizing that time goes rapidly, leaving us in a state of revenie. Time is gold.
            Last but not least, there are many advantage and disadvantage of Internet. We should arrange our time properly and use Internet wisely as we cannot be addicted by Internet


                                                                     LUCY BECK                

  • 17 years old
  • Lives with her mother and uncle Bert
  • Determined to change her life by looking for a job with her qualifications
  • Considerate and encouraging
  • Small,mousy,shy,awkward


  1. Timid shy - Small,mousy-looking and easily overlooked
  2. Proud positive attitude - She looked at the office with pleasure and already has plans on how she will        decorate her space
  3. Courageous persevering - Even though she is young and shy,she faces Miss Broome's spirit bravely
  4. Compassionate - Lucy instantly fells sorry after saying mean stuff to Uncle Bert


   Education via the Internet is called e-learning where knowledge is acquired online.This form of learning is and could become very common.It means that the physical classroom is no longer necessary.Students can access their study materials and communicate online with instructors.
   How does e-learning benefits students?Firstly,it connects students to other learners with similar interests.It is also enables students to have easy access to instructor or expert all over the world.E-learning also follows for self-paced learning and flexibility.Students become more independent and also exposed to the latest computer technology.They become more IT knowledgeable as they are forced to keep up with the latest communication tool.
   E-learning includes online forum discussions through ICQ assignment,tutorials which can be downloaded and email communication.Students can prepare for this e-learning by acquiring computer skills and knowledge.The Computer Club is one of the channels available for students to gain such skill and knowledge,for example,by attending courses on information technology.So,students are encouraged to become members and hone their computer skills.

Rabu, 25 April 2012


    Facebook is a social networks that was created by Mark Zuckenberg in 2004.This networks is well-known in the world in this time.Many people use Facebook as a social networks mostly students,teenagers and elder people.
    Many advantage can get who is using Facebook such as tighten our relationship with our friends.Besides,we can connect and gather our old friends which is not see for long time.We can also make our new friends in Facebook.We can also connect with our friend in the other country too.

    In this time,many people share their story and experience in Facebook with their friends.Facebook is not only a place to chat with our friends,make video call,give message,share our story but in Facebook,we can also preaching to else,giving advises,share our religious information and so on.By Facebook,we can gain more knowledge and information about latest news such as our country,sports,worlds,business and something else.
    Facebook surely many advantage but also many disadvantage.Many of young people become unaware because they surely become addicted and influence with Facebook.Besides,Facebook can also waste our time.In this time,many student spoiled in their academics as they become addicted.

   Last but not least,many advantage and disadvantage of using Facebook now.We should use Facebook wisely.We should arrange our time neatly before we addicted with Facebook and we should think that Facebook can give benefits for us or not.

Ahad, 8 April 2012

The Harmful Effects of Smoking

   Most teenagers start smoking without having the intention of becoming addicted.  However, by the time they reach adulthood, they are addicted to smoke.  It is suprising how addictive smoking can be.
  Young people want to smoke because they think that smoking makes them look more mature.  Moreover,teenagers who grow up in an environment where their parents, siblings and relatives smoke will also take up the habit.  Additionally,peer preasure plays an important part.  When their peers smoke,teenagers may feel pressured into doing the same thing.The excitement of trying something new, especially if it is forbidden, may cause them to take up smoking.
  The effects of smoking on health are devastating. Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from tobacco-related diseases.Cigarettes smoke can trigger various types of cancers including cancer of the throat,mouth,lungs,stomach,cervix and pancreas.Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes raise both the heart rate and blood pressure.This can cause heart attacks and strokes.Tobacco smoke can also cause gum disease,tooth decay and bad breath.In addiction,smoking can cause teeth to become yellow and unsightly.Small wonder,as cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemical compounds and toxins all of which are very harmful to human death.
   There is good news for those who want to quit smoking.The good news is that when you quit smoking,your body begins to repair itself.A few years after you quit,your body would have repaired most of the damage caused by smoking.However,those who wait until cancer sets in are not as fortunate, as cancer is usually fatal.That is another reason to take the big step and quit now before it is too late.A person who wishes to quit smoking will need strong willpower.Once you are firm in your determination to quit smoking,you should decide on a specific date to quit.As the date draws near,reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.Once you have decided to quit,concentrate on you aim and on the benefits of quitting smoking

Ahad, 18 Mac 2012

A Great Day!!!

On this day, I have a great day.  Why I said it is a great day?  It is because I have new experiences that I had through today.  First, my family have done a small feast.  We invited our neighbours to join us.  We served 'Ikan Talapia Bakar' as our lunch together.  As a family, we helped each other as our preparation for lunch.  My father asked me to cut banana leaf from the banana stem.  Honestly, I never do this thing before.  At least I knew how to cut after this.  My father asked me to cut because we will eat rice with Ikan Talapia Bakar on banana leaf.  Wow!So delicious and I thought it is easy to eat on banana leaf than on plate.  Why?After we have finished eating, we do not need to wash our plate anymore..hahaha...Such a great experienced that I had through to today.On that night we celebrated my neighbour's daughter birthday.  We celebrated with a delicious cake made from Secret Recipe that her father bought it. So delicious!
Such a great holiday!!!

Rabu, 14 Mac 2012

What I did on this day?

Hey everyone!
I will share with all of you what I did on this day....

On Wednesday's morning, my brother and I went to Pekan, Pahang.  We went there by car.  The journey almost took about 4 hours from my house in Nilai.  Actually,my brother just accompanied me to Pekan,Pahang because he had to solve his problems in Temerloh after my problems in Pekan completed.  I went there because a few reasons.  First, I went there because I wanted to take 'Duit Zakat' which is given by Majlis Ugama Islam Pahang (MUIP).  My friends and I have been given the money as much as RM200 each.  We felt so happy.  Besides that, I went there because I wanted to meet my old and beloved friends.  We decided to meet at our old school in Pekan.  We were very happy when we can meet together again.  We were almost spend 2 hours to ask and share about our new school's stories.  Unfortunately, I cannot spend much time with them anymore because I had to settle the other problems.  My brother decided to back home at 5.00pm from Temerloh.  I agreed with him because it was not me drove the car but him.  Praise to Allah because we reached home safely at 8.00pm.What an enjoyful moments!

Hello everyone!!!
First of all, nice to meet all of you.  This is my first time using and writing in this blog.  Anyway, let me introduce myself first.  My name is Muhammad Nasrul Azim b. Roslan.  I am 16 years old and I am studied at SMKA Maahad Hamidiah.  I took accounting flow in 4 Al-Ghazali's class.  For this time, I was given a task of writing essays in English.  I think there are lots of vocabulary that I need to be understood and corrected soon.  I hope many people can help and give guidance to me for writing this task.  I hope I can do the best for myself!!!

Be the best!!!thank you,